SReject / JSON-For-Mirc

JSON parser for mIRC
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Feature: Add mSL color syntax highlight support on git #40

Closed westor7 closed 7 years ago

westor7 commented 7 years ago


I had contact to Github in order ask them how can we add color highlight support into the mSL and the answer was:

Hi westor,

We use the open source tool Linguist to provide language detection support on GitHub 1. Before we can perform syntax highlighting for a language, it needs to have an open source Textmate-style language grammar. These grammars also provide syntax highlighting for the Textmate, Sublime Text, and Atom editors 2.

Once you've found or created a grammar you can submit it to linguist by following this guide:


So my recommendation is to add this support here into your github!!

SReject commented 7 years ago

This request is beyond the scope of this project.