SReject / JSON-For-Mirc

JSON parser for mIRC
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NAME_INUSE when making call to youtube v3 api #51

Closed preginald closed 4 years ago

preginald commented 4 years ago

I just wanted to share that my script was failing due to NAME_INUSE and I couldn't figure out why since the call worked properly when fetching via browser.

Eventually I restarted mIRC and the script worked again.

This is my script

alias GetYouTubeVideoMeta {
  var %url = $+ $1 $+ &key=<key>&part=snippet,contentDetails
  JSONOpen -u youtube %url
  if ($JSONError) {
    ;; handle error
    echo -a $JSONError %url
  var %title =  $json(youtube,items,0,snippet,title).value
  var %channel =  $json(youtube,items,0,snippet,channelTitle).value
  var %duration = $GetDurationFromYouTubeMeta($json(youtube,items,0,contentDetails,duration).value)

  JSONClose -w youtube
  return %title from %channel duration %duration

Hope it helps others

westor7 commented 4 years ago

Did u figure it out ?

preginald commented 4 years ago

I thought I figured it out when I restarted mIRC and it started working again but the issue is still there. I'm troubleshooting it now. Do you have any ideas?

preginald commented 4 years ago

I'm unable to get to the bottom of the NAME_INUSE error. It's not a deal breaker though. I will hit the same endpoint using autohotkey and report back in a couple of days.

edit: suffice to say that I am able to fetch data with JSON-For-Mirc the first time but fails on subsequent calls with the above error.

SReject commented 4 years ago

NAME_IN_USE indicates that the name you are trying to use for a json handler is... already in use.

Taking your example, the name of the handler is youtube. If you open one json handler, and before you close it, attempt to open another named youtube you will get that error:

alias example {
  JSONOpen example {}
  if ($JSONError) {
    echo JSON ERROR: $v1

  ; attempt to reuse the name 'example' without closing the one above
  JSONOpen example {}
  if ($JSONError) {
    echo JSON ERROR 2: $v1

  ; cleanup
  JSONClose example
preginald commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what's going on but after shutting down my pc last night and testing the same script today it seems to be working properly. I do close the json handler as seen below.

alias GetYouTubeVideoMeta {
  var %url = $+ $1 $+ &key= $+ %youtubekey $+ &part=snippet,contentDetails

  JSONOpen -u youtube %url
  if ($JSONError) {
    ;; handle error
    echo -a $JSONError %url
  var %title =  $json(youtube,items,0,snippet,title).value
  var %channel =  $json(youtube,items,0,snippet,channelTitle).value
  var %duration = $GetDurationFromYouTubeMeta($json(youtube,items,0,contentDetails,duration).value)
  echo -a %title %channel %duration
  JSONClose youtube
  return %title from %channel duration %duration

I think what I'll do is create a youtube handler that contains the youtube video id so it is unique. That should minimise this problem.

I've changed my code to this where $1 is the youtube_id

alias GetYouTubeVideoMeta {
  var %v = youtube_ $+ $1
  var %url = $+ $1 $+ &key= $+ %youtubekey $+ &part=snippet,contentDetails

  JSONOpen -u %v %url
  if ($JSONError) {
    ;; handle error
    echo -a $JSONError %url

  var %title =  $json(%v,items,0,snippet,title).value
  var %channel =  $json(%v,items,0,snippet,channelTitle).value
  var %duration = $GetDurationFromYouTubeMeta($json(%v,items,0,contentDetails,duration).value)
  echo -a %title %channel %duration
  JSONClose %v
  return %title from %channel duration %duration