SRombauts / UEGitPlugin

Unreal Engine 5 Git LFS 2 Source Control Plugin (beta)
MIT License
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Add the option to NOT push after commit on Submit when using LFS #146

Closed sinbad closed 2 years ago

sinbad commented 3 years ago

Over time I've found it annoying that when using LFS locking, Submit to Source Control always pushes. The reasons I might not want to:

The only reason for always pushing seems to be to unlock files, but I already implemented unlock-on-push in #137, so this is not a hard limit any more. So long as you do the final push in UE the files from the intermediate commits will be unlocked.

So I've added an extra option in the source control setup dialog to disable auto-pushing. It defaults to the previous behaviour.

SRombauts commented 2 years ago

Hey @sinbad, thanks a lot for all your awesome changes! I wasn't available for quite a long time, with a baby at home, covid/wfh etc but I am now trying to come back to open source dev :)

sinbad commented 2 years ago

Welcome back :)