SRombauts / UEGitPlugin

Unreal Engine 5 Git LFS 2 Source Control Plugin (beta)
MIT License
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Git LFS not working on Mac #50

Closed SRombauts closed 5 years ago

SRombauts commented 6 years ago

First report of this issue in Mars 2017:

First of all, thanks for providing the Unreal Engine 4 git plug in. I'm a mac user and I have installed git and git lfs successfully in my computer. I have already created a new repository and I'm using Unreal and git to work with another partner. Everything that is not LFS can be checked-in form Unreal without issues. However, everything LFS can't be checked-in, and every time I try to check-in any LFS file from Unreal I get the following errors:

Error git-lfs filter-process: git-lfs: command not found
Error fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly.

Do you know if there is a workaround to this issue? Maybe I'm still missing an additional step when installing git.

As additional information, I can manually sync LFS files directly from Github, but as mentioned before, not from Unreal.

SRombauts commented 6 years ago

Same issue raised on AnswerHub: Git-LFS problems on MAC on 2017/09/09

SRombauts commented 6 years ago

As mentioned before, I don't have a Mac and have no access to one.

I should try to see if there is the same issue under Linux to try to solve it here first.

shiena commented 6 years ago

@SRombauts I posted a PR to UnrealEngine to fix it.

You can solve it by applying the following script to Git Path. (e.g. the path of git-lfs installed by homebrew)

/usr/bin/env PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH /usr/local/bin/git "$@"
SRombauts commented 6 years ago

Ah, nice!

shiena commented 6 years ago

@SRombauts I added a comment to PR so please check it.

appcornerdev commented 6 years ago

Hi! Have the same error bud i don't now how to applying the script above :o( Any instruction how i can do that? Thanks

shiena commented 6 years ago

@appcornerdev I answered to same issue on answerhub. Please see

appcornerdev commented 6 years ago

@shiena Tanks alot, it works now :o)

FlynnRingrose commented 6 years ago

Hi SRombauts,

I'm currently trying to decide between using Git LFS 2 or Perforce for my Unreal Projects with a team of four. Some of us use Macs and others are on Windows.

Is Git LFS 2 a viable option in Unreal on a Mac yet or will this still be a long time coming?

Thanks for all your hard work.

SRombauts commented 5 years ago

Hi all, it's a bit sad to see that this as only been merged a few days ago, but it's still a good new!