SRombauts / UEGitPlugin

Unreal Engine 5 Git LFS 2 Source Control Plugin (beta)
MIT License
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Plugin behavior options for add/removing files #63

Closed josimard closed 6 years ago

josimard commented 6 years ago

Hi, It would be nice if we could disable the auto-adding or auto-deleting when adding files and removing files in the content browser.

Following this scenario will often do multiple "source-control" operations that slows the process in content browser.

  1. Duplicate a blueprint
  2. Input name of the blueprint
  3. Move blueprint to another folder

From the previous scenario, I sometimes get Git errors when "Added" files were not removed from the git index after renaming or deleting the file from windows explorer.

The following scenario will throw a "Failed to revert package which was marked for delete."

  1. Delete a source-controlled blueprint with no references (which will not make a redirector)
  2. Create a new blueprint with the same name
SRombauts commented 6 years ago

Hi @josimard, thanks for reporting this and giving all this details.

  1. Edit->Editor Preferences->Loading & Saving->Source Control: uncheck Add New Files when Modified 👍
  2. For your second scenario, you just need to commit the deletion before adding a new asset with the same name. If you want to improve that, you need to ask Epic Games since this is a behavior of the Editor, not the plugin itself.


SRombauts commented 6 years ago

I have edited my answer above for the second scenario. Please let me know if you need some more info.

And let me know if you open an issue about this with Epic Games, I am also interested to follow this.

josimard commented 6 years ago

Hi @SRombauts, This editor preference sure does the trick, thanks for answering!

For the delete scenario: committing will avoid the issue, and is probably a very uncommon scenario!