SRombauts / UEPlasticPlugin

Plastic SCM Plugin for Unreal Engine
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Blank space in ProviderName causes failures in WorldPartition CommandLet #132

Open javibm opened 9 months ago

javibm commented 9 months ago

The blank space in the ProviderName field causes failures when executing the world partition commandlet.

image (Line 34 of FPlasticSourceControlProvider.cpp)

The WorldPartition commandlet accepts a parameter called SCCProvider that specifies which source control provider to use. Link to Documentation. image

This parameter cannot have blanks in it because it causes failures when parsing the rest of the parameters.

image (line 1005 of EditorBuildUtils.cpp in Unreal Engine 5.1 source code).

Having this plugin configured causes the editor to always inject the provider name of "Plastic SCM" making it impossible to execute it as you can see in the code above.

Would it be possible to change the ProviderName to remove the blanks? ("PlasticSCM")

Thank you!

SRombautsU commented 9 months ago

Hey, thanks for reporting in such great detail!

I am not sure that this is something that should be changed in the Unreal Engine source code: the name of the provider is used as the key in the user config. It would force all existing users to re-configure their source control on updating to the new Unreal version.

We could in fact try to fix the Editor itself: using double quotes around the provider name could fix it, no?

javibm commented 9 months ago

I didn't know that the ProviderName is used as a key for the user configuration. I opened the issue here because it is always faster to fix the plugin than the process of getting it fixed in the engine code.

But actually the bug comes from the engine code and the right thing to do would be to fix it there.

I can confirm that double quotes around the provider name fixed the issue and everything works as it should.
