Python Suite for Advanced General Ensemble Simulations
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jaxlib issue on midway3 #203

Closed ndtrung81 closed 1 year ago

ndtrung81 commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

I have been trying to keep the pysages module up to date on midway2 and midway3; following the steps described in

While the abf example script with openmm runs normally, I got the following errors with the example scripts under examples/hoomd-blue:

jaxlib.xla_extension.XlaRuntimeError: No matching device found for local hardware

To reproduce this error, on a GPU compute node on midway3 (midway3-0279 in this case) I did

module load python/anaconda-2021.05 cuda/11.2 openmpi/4.1.2+gcc-7.4.0 source activate pysages3 and then goes to examples/hoomd-blue/unbiased, run


to get start.gsd. Then run


(screenshot attached)

Screenshot from 2022-08-30 16-17-46

Maybe I missed something important here. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

(hoomd v2.9.7 installed in this pysages3 environment runs normally.)

Thanks, -Trung

InnocentBug commented 1 year ago

Hey Trung,

so I had to reinstall and test with Hoomd-blue on midway 3 during the last couple of days. I load the following modules on midway3.

module purge

module load rcc
module load slurm

module load cuda
module load cmake
module load openmpi
conda activate ls-hoomd

where the ls-hoomd conda environment looks like this:

elwood                   /home/ludwigschneider/.conda/envs/elwood
ls-hoomd              *  /home/ludwigschneider/.conda/envs/ls-hoomd
mypysages                /home/ludwigschneider/.conda/envs/mypysages
base                     /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64
anvio-7.1                /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/anvio-7.1
arcgis                   /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/arcgis
automl_prediction        /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/automl_prediction
dask                     /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/dask
env_deeplabcut           /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/env_deeplabcut
fflip                    /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/fflip
geo_jpg                  /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/geo_jpg
geospatial               /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/geospatial
hoomd                    /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/hoomd
img_conversion           /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/img_conversion
meep                     /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/meep
mkdocs                   /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/mkdocs
mpi4py                   /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/mpi4py
mrsid                    /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/mrsid
openmm                   /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/openmm
pmeep                    /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/pmeep
pysages                  /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/pysages
pytorch-gpu-1.2-cuda-10.0     /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/pytorch-gpu-1.2-cuda-10.0
qgis_stable              /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/qgis_stable
rstudio                  /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/rstudio
test_python_env          /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/test_python_env
tf_keras                 /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/tf_keras
vertexai                 /software/python-anaconda-2020.11-el8-x86_64/envs/vertexai

And manually installed jax for cuda pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda]" -f`

And installation of hoomd-blue and hoomd-dlext from source.

InnocentBug commented 1 year ago

hope this helps

ndtrung81 commented 1 year ago

@InnocentBug thanks for sharing. It seems that enforcing python=3.8 when installing packages makes hoomd-blue examples work again. Will give more updates soon.

pabloferz commented 1 year ago

Is this still an issue?

ndtrung81 commented 1 year ago

Not an issue at this point. Let's mark this issue as resolved. The current env pysages3 under python/anaconda-2021.05 on midway3 works fine with the examples as far as my tests go. Needs module load python/anacoda-2021.05 openmpi/4.1.2+gcc-7.4.0 cuda/11.2