Python Suite for Advanced General Ensemble Simulations
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Barycenter Calculation in OpenMM #287

Open svarner9 opened 11 months ago

svarner9 commented 11 months ago

I am not sure if this is a known issue, but I noticed that CVs which rely on the barycenter has a small issue in OpenMM.

To my knowledge, OpenMM wraps particle coordinates internally when using PBCs. As a result, when an atom group sits directly on the boundary, the barycenter is calculated to be in the center of the box, rather than on the edge. (See the attached image).

I think a way to remedy this would be to use the angular method mentioned in this Wikipedia article: I am going to implement this for myself, but would recommend looking into it for the package.

Thank you! :)

Screenshot 2023-10-18 101524
svarner9 commented 11 months ago

I added this CV to my PySAGES file and it seems to work well as far as I can tell:

class ComponentPBC(AxisCV):
    def __init__(self, indices, axis, cell):
        super().__init__(indices, axis)
        self.cell = cell

    def function(self):
        return lambda rs: barycenter_pbc(rs, self.cell)[self.axis]

def barycenter_pbc(rs, cell):
    cell = np.diag(cell) # Only works for rectangular cells
    thetas = 2*np.pi*rs/cell
    xis = np.cos(thetas)
    zetas = np.sin(thetas)
    xibar = np.sum(xis, axis=0)/rs.shape[0]
    zetabar = np.sum(zetas, axis=0)/rs.shape[0]
    thetabar = np.arctan2(-zetabar, -xibar) + np.pi

    return cell*thetabar/(2*np.pi)
pabloferz commented 11 months ago

Thanks for reporting this @svarner9! Just for completeness, can you share an example of the original CV you used that was problematic?

svarner9 commented 11 months ago

Any CV that utilizes the barycenter will be incorrect I think.

I also think even for the CVs that I wrote, there are some edge cases where the center of mass will be incorrect, because OpenMM will not wrap the particle coordinates of any atom in a given molecule unless all of the atoms are outside the box. So you can have atoms that are beyond the boundary, but not yet wrapped. In this case, I think one needs to do the wrapping within the CV, before transforming to the unit circle (I haven't fully thought this out though).

The original CVs before changing them were:

class Component(AxisCV):
    Use a specific Cartesian component of the center of mass of the group of atom selected
    via the indices.

    indices: list[int], list[tuple(int)]
       Select atom groups via indices. From each group the barycenter is calculated.
    axis: int
       Cartesian coordinate axis component `0` (X), `1` (Y), `2` (Z) that is requested as CV.

    def function(self):
        return lambda rs: barycenter(rs)[self.axis]


class Distance(TwoPointCV):
    Use the distance of atom groups selected via the indices as collective variable.

    indices: list[int], list[tuple(int)]
       Select atom groups via indices. (2 Groups required)

    def function(self):
        if len(self.groups) == 0:
            return distance
        return lambda r1, r2: distance(barycenter(r1), barycenter(r2))

def distance(r1, r2):
    Returns the distance between two points in space or
    between the barycenters of two groups of points in space.

    r1: jax.Array
        Array containing the position in space of the first point or group of points.
    r2: jax.Array
        Array containing the position in space of the second point or group of points.

    distance: float
        Distance between the two points.

    return linalg.norm(r1 - r2)

I made new CVs for both of these that calculate the correct COM but also calculate the distance correctly with the minimum image convention. User beware, I am not an expert nor a PySAGES dev, please check these for yourself before you implement or use them:

class ComponentPBC(AxisCV):
    def __init__(self, indices, axis, cell):
        super().__init__(indices, axis)
        self.cell = cell

    def function(self):
        return lambda rs: barycenter_pbc(rs, self.cell)[self.axis]

def barycenter_pbc(rs, cell):
    cell = np.diag(cell) # Only works for rectangular cells
    thetas = 2*np.pi*rs/cell
    xis = np.cos(thetas)
    zetas = np.sin(thetas)
    xibar = np.sum(xis, axis=0)/rs.shape[0]
    zetabar = np.sum(zetas, axis=0)/rs.shape[0]
    thetabar = np.arctan2(-zetabar, -xibar) + np.pi

    return cell*thetabar/(2*np.pi)


class DistancePBC(TwoPointCV):
    Use the distance of atom groups selected via the indices as collective variable, with PBCs.

    indices: list[int], list[tuple(int)]
       Select atom groups via indices. (2 Groups required)
    cell: jax.Array
        The unit cell dimensions for handling PBCs.

    def __init__(self, indices, cell):
        self.cell = cell

    def function(self):
        if len(self.groups) == 0:
            return distance
        return lambda r1, r2: dist_mic(barycenter_pbc(r1,self.cell), barycenter_pbc(r2,self.cell), self.cell)

def barycenter_pbc(rs, cell):
    cell = np.diag(cell) # Only works for rectangular cells
    thetas = 2*np.pi*rs/cell
    xis = np.cos(thetas)
    zetas = np.sin(thetas)
    xibar = np.sum(xis, axis=0)/rs.shape[0]
    zetabar = np.sum(zetas, axis=0)/rs.shape[0]
    thetabar = np.arctan2(-zetabar, -xibar) + np.pi

    return cell*thetabar/(2*np.pi)

def dist_mic(r1, r2, cell):
    """Calculate minimum image convention (MIC) distance in non-cubic cell."""
    cell_inv = np.linalg.inv(cell)
    d = r1 - r2
    d_scaled = d @ cell_inv
    d_scaled -= np.round(d_scaled)
    d_mic = d_scaled @ cell
    return np.linalg.norm(d_mic)

Note that these CVs require you to pass the cell dimension up front, so these will not work for NPT simulations.