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Formatting and Content Updates #4

Closed cbezik closed 7 years ago

cbezik commented 7 years ago

The following updates were made:

I believe with this update we have the site formatted according to the latest feedback I've received as well as all the old website content. The next questions are what new content should exist and what old content should not. I am unsure how much (if any) COPSS stuff should remain on this site.

My suggestions would be that we try to write a concise intro with our best images or movies to display on the front page; that the features page contain a generalized write up of each method available, with an output image; that the team page include a concise summary of everyone's contributions. I think the download page more or less works as is with the exception of some proofreading (I am looking into how we could include a download counter).

Some other considerations include a mailing list and social media feeds, all of which are included in the design but are not actually supported yet.

Lastly I believe once we pull this in we should rehost this repository under MICCOM/SSAGES so that the new url is Once we finalize a design, the old site should redirect to the new one.


cbezik commented 7 years ago

P.S. to browse these changes, see

cbezik commented 7 years ago

One last thing I wanted to try was to get the images to center format on mobile (where the text and the images appear on different lines). I haven't quite got this yet but I'll try to figure it out.

cbezik commented 7 years ago

Okay, that took a little more effort than I expected, but on my mobile browser at least everything is coming across centered on mobile. I also tweaked the header a bit to (in my opinion) look a little nicer. These are all the changes I'd like to make for this pull request.

jonathankwhitmer commented 7 years ago

This looks good. I have a list of a few things to change:

1) alignment on the "features" page is broken on desktop; the text and figures align their rightmost sides, but the picture is not centered under the text, and the text is not (overall) centered on the page. Left-justification looks good, but the right boundary for the text is too close to the center of the page.

2) Photos look a bit distorted. Perhaps the best fix for this is old-school resizing of each photo, but I'd like to think there's a smart way to adjust this with css.

cbezik commented 7 years ago

@jonathankwhitmer Can you screenshot what you're seeing and also tell me what browser/version you're seeing it in?

I think you're right about some of the photos, I'll look into smarter ways of styling them other than hard specifying the width and height in pixels.

Maybe in the Wednesday meeting we can have a discussion about who should be represented on the team page and in what fashion?

jonathankwhitmer commented 7 years ago

Firefox 52.0.1 (32-bit); this is what I have installed on my Win7 virtualbox. I haven't tested it elsewhere. Other pages are a bit spartan, but that's fine with me---the layout on this one is just off. We fix that, we can start re-linking the site.


cbezik commented 7 years ago

Just for quick reference I'll add screenshots of what it ought to look like - one in the case that the image and the picture go to different lines, and one side by side: win8 1_ie_11 0 workspace 1_012

I'll try to get to the bottom of this ASAP.

jonathankwhitmer commented 7 years ago

If we can fix the image distortion, this is ready to pull (and use).

cbezik commented 7 years ago

@jonathankwhitmer Did the latest commits fix the alignment issue for you?

cbezik commented 7 years ago

The latest commit should fix distortion issues - the CSS file now sets a width and allows the browser to autoscale the height. I'm just going to do a quick scan of browser compatibility to see if that works on all platforms.

jonathankwhitmer commented 7 years ago

Checks out. I'll work on getting this up on the actual site.