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lANDI mistakenly says elements do not have href when they do #135

Open ollie-iterators opened 2 years ago

ollie-iterators commented 2 years ago

As seen in this image, on, the code says that the element does not have href, id, or tabindex when href is visible on the ANDI screen.

fstrr commented 2 years ago

It is likely confused because you've used a role="group" attribute on the <a> element to change the semantics of the link. By adding role="group", you're saying that this isn't a link, it's a group. If you remove the role="group" attribute from the link then the problem goes away. If you test the page with a screenreader (I've just tried VoiceOver on macOS), you'll find that it doesn't report any of those links as links because of the group role, which you don't need.

JohnCotterSSA commented 2 years ago

Good catch, @fstrr , I was just about to comment on the role=group. Indeed, a screen reader would not recognize this element as a link.

The ANDI alert in this instance is misleading. We'll put this in the backlog.