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I found gANDI508- classes on the page when I was on the links/buttons page for ANDI #151

Closed ollie-iterators closed 1 year ago

ollie-iterators commented 1 year ago

When I was inspecting the page, I found that gANDI508-background was stil attached to certain elements after I went from graphics to links on ANDI.

ollie-iterators commented 1 year ago

I commented out .cleanup on gANDI and the code looks like it is behaving the same as it was before it was commented out. I am wondering if the cleanup function actually does anything now (at least for gANDI).

JohnCotterSSA commented 1 year ago

Nothing gets by you! :) Another good catch.

The cleanup function definitely works, but it looks like, in gANDI, it was expecting the gANDI508-background class to always be on elements with .ANDI508-element. However, that is not always the case. I fixed this issue in gANDI 6.1.1