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Using ANDI with Microsoft PowerApps #163

Open jbelzilejr opened 1 year ago

jbelzilejr commented 1 year ago

OAR Apps Console Issues.docx I was asked to assist with a Section 508 review of a set of related applications for the USEPA. The applications were developed using Microsoft Power Apps. Applications start up properly. However, when ANDI is started from my Browser link, ANDI starts but causes the base application to freeze, (displays spinning icon. No exceptions or other messages are displayed on screen. The attached file shows what is displayed in the DOM console both on the initial application load and then on the attempt to start ANDI.

ANDI function properly with other applications that are not Microsoft Power Apps. Could use some assistance with determining if this is a Power Apps issue or an ANDI issue. We may have more Power Apps coming for review.
