A tool to test web content for accessibility and 508 compliance.
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andi.css CSS performance issues #170

Closed ollie-iterators closed 1 year ago

ollie-iterators commented 1 year ago
  1. Element (span.ANDI508-overlay.ANDI508-overlay-alert) is overqualified, just use .ANDI508-overlay-alert without element name. (#ANDI508-testPage span.ANDI508-overlay.ANDI508-overlay-alert) (Line 42)
  2. Element (img.ANDI508-highlightIcon) is overqualified, just use .ANDI508-highlightIcon without element name. (#ANDI508 img.ANDI508-highlightIcon) (Line 48)
  3. The universal selector () is known to be slow. (#ANDI508 ::before,) (Line 102)
  4. The universal selector () is known to be slow. (#ANDI508 ::after,) (Line 104)
  5. The universal selector () is known to be slow. (#ANDI508 :after) (Line 105)
JohnCotterSSA commented 1 year ago

We definitely appreciate efficient CSS, however, ANDI's CSS needs to have very high specificity to be able to override styling that the test application may apply to elements.

The universal selector is slow for sure, but It is unavoidable in instances 3,4,5 above.