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ANDI causes page to reload but the page never reloads #220

Closed johnscub11 closed 3 months ago

johnscub11 commented 8 months ago

I have a web page that loads and works correctly but, when I open ANDI, it forces the page to reload but the page never reloads. This page is inside a ServiceNow image. TTH Screen shot After starting ANDI TTH Screen shot before starting ANDI

Please let me know what additional information you need. Email:

JohnCotterSSA commented 8 months ago

What is probably happening is that the content you want to test is inside of an iframe. Sometimes iframes are built in a way that when ANDI is launched, the iframe content gets removed - It's a browser security feature. Please try the instructions in this workaround:

johnscub11 commented 7 months ago

Hi John I just saw your response and tried the workaround. I am still getting the same response. Based on the link you sent I pasted the following into the Console tab for the element I selected: javascript:void((function(){andiScript=document.createElement('script');andiScript.setAttribute('src','');document.body.appendChild(andiScript)})()); It opened ANDI and I got the spinning circle in the middle of the page. The page was built using the ServiceNow workspace instead of the Portal.

johnscub11 commented 7 months ago

I just found the issue. The application uses Shadow DOMS for each of the cards you see in the screen shot above and, based on the ANDI docs, it can't handle Shadow Doms. Is there any development work being done to handle these?

JohnCotterSSA commented 7 months ago

At this time, ANDI cannot inspect shadow DOM content.