SSEHUB / EASyProducer

EASy-Producer - A Product Line Engineering Toolset
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Convention: New unified package names #51

Open eichelbe opened 8 years ago

eichelbe commented 8 years ago

We decided (after continued discussion) for net.ssehub.easy. Shall be changed incrementally after the next release.

eichelbe commented 8 years ago

Added @ckroeher and @rsizonenko

kschmid commented 8 years ago

Müsste es nicht: net.ssehub.easy sein?

eichelbe commented 8 years ago

Thx. It's a nice time for typos :o

Elscha commented 8 years ago

Started renaming of packages, the new structure is: `net.ssehub.easy.´. Related test bundles should have the same structure (if they are fragments), to allow testing of package visible items.

Elscha commented 8 years ago

New package structure is:

Bundle Name (old Name) New Main Package Old Main Package Status
Basics (former Utils) net.ssehub.easy.basics de.uni_hildesheim.sse.utils done, except for properties: de.uni_hildesheim.sse.easy.logging.level, de.uni_hildesheim.sse.easy.logging.file
VarModel net.ssehub.easy.varModel de.uni_hildesheim.sse.model done
DSL-Core net.ssehub.easy.dslCore de.uni_hildesheim.sse.dslcore, de.uni_hildesheim.sse.dslCore.ui done
ReasonerCore net.ssehub.easy.reasoning.core de.uni_hildesheim.sse.reasoning.core done
SSE-Reasoner net.ssehub.easy.reasoning.sseReasoner de.uni_hildesheim.sse.reasoning done
Drools net.ssehub.easy.reasoning.drools de.uni_hildesheim.sse.reasoning.drools done
Drools2 net.ssehub.easy.reasoning.drools2 de.uni_hildesheim.sse.reasoning.drools2 done
Integration net.ssehub.easy.integration de.uni_hildesheim.sse.integration done
Instantiation net.ssehub.easy.instantiation de.uni_hildesheim.sse.easy_producer.instantiator, de.uni_hildesheim.sse.easy, de.uni_hildesheim.sse done, except for parsers and
EASy-Producer net.ssehub.easy.producer de.uni_hildesheim.sse.easy_producer, de.uni_hildesheim.sse.easy done, except for EASy-Nature
EASyCommandLine net.ssehub.easy.standalone de.uni_hildesheim.sse.easy
ScaleLog net.ssehub.easy.scaleLog de.uni_hildesheim.sse.easy_producer.scaleLog, de.uni_hildesheim.sse.easy.scalelog

Current tasks:

Open tasks:

Elscha commented 8 years ago

Nightly Update Site is working again (at least the core bundles).