SSHOC / sshoc-marketplace-backend

Code for the backend
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Extend search endpoint covering more fields #391

Closed KlausIllmayer closed 9 months ago

KlausIllmayer commented 1 year ago

Recently, we got suggestions to extend the search options for the marketplace. In EOSCFuture there was the question, if it would be able to search for DOIs. Another suggestion was to be able to use the search bar to find items connected to a specific actor (look for the name of the actor in the search bar).

First of all, we would need to collect the fields, that would make sense when extending the search endpoint. Then it must be implemented in the backend so that it can be taken over by frontend. If backend implements this, frontend must not care about it, but to make more clearer why a search result shows up, e.g. when looking for the name of an actor, we would need some better indicators in the frontend.

@laureD19 What do you think, could this be something that we discuss in the Editorial Board to come up with a list of fields that would be useful (and feasible) for extension of the search endpoint?

laureD19 commented 1 year ago

actors search is definitely one to prioritise (it is on the wish list for a while now, based on specific use of the MP within DARIAH community, but also requirements collected during the last workshops). So I would not wait for this one, to be sure about others.

The topic is added to next EB meeting though, so we can collect other suggestions from the colleagues.

laureD19 commented 1 year ago

extend the search with actors. No facets in search results

KlausIllmayer commented 11 months ago

Commiting the pull request will re-run the Solr index. We need to be aware about this when pushing to the production code.

KlausIllmayer commented 11 months ago

Search for contributors is now part of the q-parameter of api/item-search (d.contributor was not touched, be aware that d.contributor uses no wildcards by default, so either you look for the full name of a contributor or use a wildcard like *)

KlausIllmayer commented 11 months ago

Works also on production

laureD19 commented 9 months ago