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Hi Anna, I am form A.p #11

Open C-Hemanth-kumar-Reddy opened 10 months ago

C-Hemanth-kumar-Reddy commented 10 months ago

What languages should learn to go to the software company I want to develop a website , so for this o should write code or use softwares like figma,hostinger etc

SSHari commented 8 months ago

Hi @C-Hemanth-kumar-Reddy,

There isn't one answer to this question. It depends on your personal experience. Based on this comment, it seems like you're probably new to programming. If that's the case, then learning how to program is where you should start your journey. Given that you want to develop a website, JavaScript is a good choice to learn.

Here are a few different things you can do to help learn:

  1. Exercism
  2. Namaste JavaScript
  3. You Don't Know JS

While the above resources are good for learning the language, the best way to understand how to code in my experience is to build things.

Once you have a better understanding of how to code then start building a website. There are a lot of frameworks you can use to build a website, but most of my experience is with using React. I think it's great. A good way to learn React is to go through the React documentation. Another good resource to learn React is Kent C. Dodds' Blog.

After you have an understanding of JavaScript and React, you can start to look into full-stack web frameworks. Full-stack just means writing code across the entire stack (e.g. Frontend and Backend). A few good full-stack web frameworks that I've used are:

  1. Remix Run
  2. NextJS

There are a lot of other things that you can learn about web development in general, but I think the above is a decent starting place.

One thing I would recommend above all is from the beginning, make sure you're writing code and trying to build things. The best way that I've been able to learn is to:

  1. Try to build something
  2. Get stuck
  3. Try to figure out how to solve my problem (google searches, reading documentation)
  4. Rinse and Repeat

Hopefully, this was helpful. If you have other questions please don't hesitate to ask. I've been a bit busy, so I missed this message, but I'll try to respond faster next time.

Cheers 🎉