SSL92 / hyperIQA

Source code for the CVPR'20 paper "Blindly Assess Image Quality in the Wild Guided by A Self-Adaptive Hyper Network"
MIT License
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HyperNetWork is not being trained #32

Open mleoelm opened 3 years ago

mleoelm commented 3 years ago

With respect to the file ""

In line 20 you store the parameter of the HyperNetwork to be trained in the variable "self.hypernet_params".

self.hypernet_params = filter(lambda p: id(p) not in backbone_params, self.model_hyper.parameters())

From line 77 to 84 you update the optimizer with this variable self.hypernet_params

Since self.model_hyper.parameters() returns an iterator, self.hypernet_params is an iterator and after the optimizer is initialized, it becomes empty. Therefore, after the first epoch, the optimizer doesn't optimize the HyperNetwork anymore because self.hypernet_params is empty.

Setting self.hypernet_params as a list should fix the problem: self.hypernet_params = list(filter(lambda p: id(p) not in backbone_params, self.model_hyper.parameters()))

SuperBruceJia commented 3 years ago


SuperBruceJia commented 3 years ago

With respect to the file ""

In line 20 you store the parameter of the HyperNetwork to be trained in the variable "self.hypernet_params".

self.hypernet_params = filter(lambda p: id(p) not in backbone_params, self.model_hyper.parameters())

From line 77 to 84 you update the optimizer with this variable self.hypernet_params

Since self.model_hyper.parameters() returns an iterator, self.hypernet_params is an iterator and after the optimizer is initialized, it becomes empty. Therefore, after the first epoch, the optimizer doesn't optimize the HyperNetwork anymore because self.hypernet_params is empty.

Setting self.hypernet_params as a list should fix the problem: self.hypernet_params = list(filter(lambda p: id(p) not in backbone_params, self.model_hyper.parameters()))

After trained the model, I found the performances are almost the same with or without using the list. Should we have to use list(...) for self. hypernet_params?