SSLMate / certspotter

Certificate Transparency Log Monitor
Mozilla Public License 2.0
943 stars 84 forks source link

Improve mail quality #87

Open stoecker opened 1 month ago

stoecker commented 1 month ago

The email sent by certspotter is so low quality, that it's hard to get it through a spam filter.

Please add:

Especially the sender from address and the "From:" mail header are important. They also enable to properly setup DKIM/DMARC.

First 3 points I fixed hardcoded in notify.go on my system: fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "From: myname@mytld\n") fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "To: %s\n", strings.Join(to, ", ")) fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Subject: [certspotter] %s\n", notif.Summary()) fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Date: %s\n", time.Now().Format(mailDateFormat)) fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Message-ID: <%s>\n", generateMessageID()) fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Mime-Version: 1.0\n") fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII\n") fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "X-Mailer: certspotter\n") fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Precedence: bulk\n") fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "\n") fmt.Fprint(stdin, notif.Text())

args := []string{"-i", "-f", "myname@mytld", "--"}

stoecker commented 1 month ago

Patch against 0.18:

diff -ur pkg/mod/ pkg/mod/
--- pkg/mod/   2024-05-21 15:53:27.388850751 +0200
+++ pkg/mod/    2024-05-21 15:14:09.636850751 +0200
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
        verbose     bool
        version     bool
        watchlist   string
+       mailSender  string
    flag.IntVar(&flags.batchSize, "batch_size", 1000, "Max number of entries to request per call to get-entries (advanced)")
    flag.Func("email", "Email address to contact when matching certificate is discovered (repeatable)", appendFunc(&
@@ -182,6 +183,7 @@
    flag.BoolVar(&flags.verbose, "verbose", false, "Be verbose")
    flag.BoolVar(&flags.version, "version", false, "Print version and exit")
    flag.StringVar(&flags.watchlist, "watchlist", defaultWatchListPathIfExists(), "File containing domain names to watch")
+   flag.StringVar(&flags.mailSender, "mailsender", "", "Sender mail address")

    if flags.version {
@@ -204,6 +206,7 @@
        Email:     ,
        Stdout:              flags.stdout,
        HealthCheckInterval: flags.healthcheck,
+       MailSender:          flags.mailSender,

    emailFileExists := false
diff -ur pkg/mod/ pkg/mod/
--- pkg/mod/    2024-05-21 15:53:27.392850751 +0200
+++ pkg/mod/ 2024-05-21 15:13:05.480850751 +0200
@@ -113,6 +113,10 @@
     certspotter reads the watch list only when starting up, so you must restart
     certspotter if you change it.

+mailsender *ADDRESS*
+:   Sender address for mail notification.

 When certspotter detects a certificate matching your watchlist, or encounters
diff -ur pkg/mod/ pkg/mod/
--- pkg/mod/ 2024-05-21 15:53:27.392850751 +0200
+++ pkg/mod/  2024-05-21 15:13:54.920850751 +0200
@@ -25,4 +25,5 @@
    Email               []string
    Stdout              bool
    HealthCheckInterval time.Duration
+   MailSender          string
diff -ur pkg/mod/ pkg/mod/
--- pkg/mod/ 2024-05-21 15:53:27.396850751 +0200
+++ pkg/mod/  2024-05-21 15:14:24.456850751 +0200
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@

    if len(config.Email) > 0 {
-       if err := sendEmail(ctx, config.Email, notif); err != nil {
+       if err := sendEmail(ctx, config.Email, config.MailSender, notif); err != nil {
            return err
@@ -63,10 +63,13 @@
    os.Stdout.WriteString(notif.Text() + "\n")

-func sendEmail(ctx context.Context, to []string, notif notification) error {
+func sendEmail(ctx context.Context, to []string, mailSender string, notif notification) error {
    stdin := new(bytes.Buffer)
    stderr := new(bytes.Buffer)

+        if mailSender != "" {
+            fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "From: %s\n", mailSender)
+        }
    fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "To: %s\n", strings.Join(to, ", "))
    fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Subject: [certspotter] %s\n", notif.Summary())
    fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Date: %s\n", time.Now().Format(mailDateFormat))
@@ -74,10 +77,20 @@
    fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Mime-Version: 1.0\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "X-Mailer: certspotter\n")
+   fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "Precedence: bulk\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "\n")
+   host, err := os.Hostname()
+   if err != nil {
+     host = "unknown host"
+   }
+   fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "This is an automated message of certspotter running on %s. A new event was detected (%s). Following text describes the certificate:", host, notif.Summary())
    fmt.Fprint(stdin, notif.Text())

-   args := []string{"-i", "--"}
+        args := []string{"-i"}
+   if mailSender != "" {
+       args = append(args, "-f", mailSender)
+   }
+   args = append(args, "--")
    args = append(args, to...)

    sendmail := exec.CommandContext(ctx, sendmailPath(), args...)
AGWA commented 1 month ago

certspotter will now set the envelope sender and RFC5322.From address to the value of $EMAIL if set. $EMAIL is a semi-standard environment variable for specifying a user's email address.

Please provide citations to justify using Precedence: bulk and adding text to the beginning of the message. In particular, "indicate it's not human generated" and "make it look like a real human would write this" are contradictory.

stoecker commented 1 month ago

Precedence header:

Was suggested by Google guidelines. It helped to get mail to Google. Seems they no longer request it.

SpamAssassin and other mail filters expect mails to be readable text. Everything which deviates from that usually get's downvoted. Also these systems often have Bayes filters for training. And the text can contain additional information and it simply looks better when an e-mail states what it is.