SSLcom / esigner-codesign

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Error: The OTP is invalid #17

Closed Hacksore closed 7 months ago

Hacksore commented 7 months ago

Hi trying to use the docker image and figure this repo has more traction that CI images one.

So I am attempt to run this:

 docker run -it --env-file .env --rm sign \
  -input_file_path=/codesign/examples/codesign.ps1 \
  -override=true -malware_block=false

With an .env like this:

TOTP_SECRET="redacted" # 52 char string copied from the dashboard

but I get:

Run CodeSigner
Running CodeSign Action

Something Went Wrong. Please try again.
Error: The OTP is invalid

But if I omit the totp then it will prompt me and entering a valid one the sign will go through successfully. Is there something im doing horrible wrong, advice greatly appreciated.

Hacksore commented 7 months ago

I see this article mentions the following scenarios where it can fail.

If you get the error message, Error: invalid otp when attempting to sign a file with automation, it could be caused by one or more of these issues:

Hacksore commented 7 months ago

Case closed, I was copying the secret value from 1password and it seems to be formatted/encoded differently.

I copied the secret value from the dashboard of and all is working now!