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Dynamic DNS Update Fails with Active Directory #7468

Open benloud opened 5 days ago

benloud commented 5 days ago

Dynamic DNS Update doesnt seem to work with Active Directory. I believe this is because sssd is calling nsupdate with "-g" when it should use "-o" (or alternatively add oldgsstsig to the nsupdate message). This would tell nsupdate to use Microsoft's variant of GSS-TSIG. See nsupdate.c in bind-9.

Could the dyndns code detect that that the server is AD, or alternatively could we add a new dyndns_auth type, say "GSS-TSIG-ms".

I'm using sssd 2.9.5 and Windows Server 2019.

Log output:

update delete in A update add 3600 in A send update delete in AAAA send -- End nsupdate message --

(2024-06-30 12:38:52): [be[]] [nsupdate_child_handler] (0x0040): [RID#21] Dynamic DNS child failed with status [512] (2024-06-30 12:38:52): [be[]] [be_nsupdate_done] (0x0040): [RID#21] nsupdate child execution failed [1432158240]: Dynamic DNS update failed ** PREVIOUS MESSAGE WAS TRIGGERED BY THE FOLLOWING BACKTRACE:

(2024-06-30 12:38:52): [be[]] [child_sig_handler] (0x0020): [RID#21] child [3489] failed with status [2].

sumit-bose commented 4 days ago


thank you for the report. Dynamic DNS update, especially with AD, is often a bit fragile. Have you tried to call nsupdate manually with the settings SSSD is trying to do with the -o option? I'm asking because my current understanding is that the -o option is only needed if Windows 2000 is used and that all other more recent version of Windows and AD can handle standard GSS-TSIG well.

Additionally, if you add debug_level = 9 to the [domain/...] section of sssd.conf, there should be extra debug output of nsupdate in the SSSD logs which might help to understand why the dynamic DNS update is failing.

bye, Sumit

joakim-tjernlund commented 4 days ago

You may want to try this patch too:

cat ms-sstig-dns.patch 
diff --git a/bin/nsupdate/nsupdate.c b/bin/nsupdate/nsupdate.c
index 3048df8345..8566041ede 100644
--- a/bin/nsupdate/nsupdate.c
+++ b/bin/nsupdate/nsupdate.c
@@ -2576,7 +2576,7 @@ update_completed(void *arg) {
    case ISC_R_FAILURE:
-#if 0
+#if 1
        if (usegsstsig && answer->rcode == dns_rcode_noerror) {
             * For MS DNS that violates RFC 2845, section 4.2