SSSxCCC / Recommender-System

A developing recommender system in tensorflow2. Algorithm: UserCF, ItemCF, LFM, SLIM, GMF, MLP, NeuMF, FM, DeepFM, MKR, RippleNet, KGCN and so on.
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How can I change the embedding method into transX, I want to try this way. Thank you! #2

Closed o0mahan0o closed 4 years ago

o0mahan0o commented 4 years ago

I have run your code and find it's so nice. But I don't know what is the current method for embedding. How can I use TransX for embedding. Thank you very much.

SSSxCCC commented 4 years ago

First, use Embedding or Embedding2D to create the embedding vectors you need. Then, figure out transX's loss and keep it in a variable called transX_loss. Finally, use model.add_loss(transX_loss) to make the loss work.

o0mahan0o commented 4 years ago

It's very kind of you for your answer. I tried to test the code from the day you replied, there is no progress. I would like to know if I change the code in ./Recommender_System/algorithm/MKR/ model_kge.compile(optimizer=optimizer_kge, loss=lambda y_true, y_pre: y_pre), or ./Recommender_System/algorithm/MKR/ model_kge.compile(optimizer=optimizer_kge, loss=lambda y_true, y_pre: y_pre)?

I'm a new hand. Could you give me more details? If possible, we could research together and communicate with each other. Thank you again!

SSSxCCC commented 4 years ago

If you just need to change the KGE method to transX, you don't need to change the code 'model.complie(...)'. The difference between KGE methods is the loss function. In ./Recommender_System/algorithm/MKR/ line 41 the variable 'kge' is the current KGE loss. Change the value of this variable into transX's loss, then your KGE method would be transX.

o0mahan0o commented 4 years ago

Thank you! I'm a student who is interested in RS and KG. I think them could make the AI more smarter. I want to research this area then write a paper for graduate. I have searched many websites and books but not much useful. So how can I train the transX's loss and make them work, then compare the ruluts to find the best one. Would you give me some courses address or materials as tips? Thank you for your help!!

SSSxCCC commented 4 years ago

Tensorflow official tutorials and guide are the best materials to learn tensorflow and keras. This project's code includes the MKR model's building and training. After you write the transX's loss, you can just run ./Recommender_System/algorithm/MKR/, adjust hyper parameters, and you can get the precision and AUC result so that you can compare.

o0mahan0o commented 4 years ago

Got it! Thanks a million.

UNAecho commented 4 years ago



user_embedding = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(n_user, dim, embeddings_regularizer=l2)(user_id)


SSSxCCC commented 4 years ago



user_embedding = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(n_user, dim, embeddings_regularizer=l2)(user_id)


tf.keras.layers.Embedding(n_user, dim, embeddings_regularizer=l2)创建了一个有n_user个维度为dim的嵌入向量的对象,这个对象可以将输入的id(user_id)转化为相应的嵌入向量(user_embedding)。

UNAecho commented 4 years ago

tf.keras.layers.Embedding(n_user, dim, embeddings_regularizer=l2)创建了一个有n_user个维度为dim的嵌入向量的对象,这个对象可以将输入的id(user_id)转化为相应的嵌入向量(user_embedding)。

也就是说,tf.keras.layers.Embedding()这个方法只是返回一个def,后面的(user_id)是他的input param ?这个是python的什么特殊写法吗?

neuliyiping commented 4 years ago




SSSxCCC commented 4 years ago

也就是说,tf.keras.layers.Embedding()这个方法只是返回一个def,后面的(user_id)是他的input param ?这个是python的什么特殊写法吗?


SSSxCCC commented 4 years ago





SSSxCCC commented 4 years ago
