SSWConsulting / SSW.Rules.Content

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Naming Azure resources rule feedback #3239

Open bradystroud opened 2 years ago

bradystroud commented 2 years ago

Cc: @adamcogan @pierssinclairssw @matt-goldman @wicksipedia @brydeno

Hi @lukecookssw,

This naming convention wont work in some scenarios. There is a plan for the exceptions section but it doesn't actually explain how to plan for exceptions.

The rule should suggest how to handle exceptions, or not suggest a naming convention at all. Not suggesting a naming convention would make this rule easier to maintain.

  1. If you agree, update the rule to not suggest a naming convention
wicksipedia commented 2 years ago

Hey @bradystroud Some of us had a discussion last night about aligning more with which should make things easier to maintain.

Hey @lukecookssw maybe the exception for storage accounts should be called out since it is a common one

tiagov8 commented 1 year ago

Hey @bradystroud

Could this issue be closed?

bradystroud commented 1 year ago

Hey @tiagov8

No - still an issue I would prefer this rule to reccomend following Microsoft's reccomendations rather than our own format that we will need to maintain as per @wicksipedia 's suggestion

This probably wont be actioned but I'll keep the issue here as a 'for the record'