SSWConsulting / SSW.SophieBot

Business grade bots that empower you on enterprise data searching and entering using advanced artificial intelligence.
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✨ Implement the following queries relating to a client #316

Open JackDevAU opened 3 years ago

JackDevAU commented 3 years ago

cc @adamcogan, @AttackOnMorty, @pierssinclairssw @brydeno

Hi @jimmidier,


As per the screenshot below, I tried to query about the client “Northwind” but the bot couldn’t find any results.



image Figure: chatlog with SophieBot in relation to the client Northwind

brydeno commented 3 years ago

Jim, I wouldn't think of this as a bug. The requirements you were implementing were fulfilled. Jack has just suggested some new features.

jimmidier commented 3 years ago

Jim, I wouldn't think of this as a bug. The requirements you were implementing were fulfilled. Jack has just suggested some new features.

Hi @brydeno

Thanks for the note. Jack has suggested some new features in the sample queries list, but I've also received bugs from the screenshot he posted. That's why I labeled both "bug" and "feature"

jimmidier commented 3 years ago

cc @AttackOnMorty

As per the comments above,
