ST-Apps / PoGo-UWP

UWP Client for Pokemon Go
833 stars 341 forks source link and don't work properly #166

Closed tofylion closed 7 years ago

tofylion commented 7 years ago

These 2 versions aren't working, my character is in the top left corner and the map doesn't load. Then it crashes after some time. @ST-Apps

AVCodee commented 7 years ago has been working quite well for everyone else. Try reinstalling completely and then restarting your phone.

tofylion commented 7 years ago

Ok, I'll try that

ghost commented 7 years ago

it just take time to load. try unzooming and click on the compass button.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@Aeosgames I wouldn't say that about version 9. I've yet to have it work properly for me.

tofylion commented 7 years ago

I waited for version and it worked, but I think you should do like a waiting for gps at the start instead of waiting at the map and seeming like it's not responding. Plus, when I click on the pokeball, the game crashes.

kankiro commented 7 years ago

Help me where I can get v1.0.9.0

adamxp12 commented 7 years ago

@kankiro ;) The parent folder contains all the versions, so you can get the appx file for a particular version if you wanted to

ST-Apps commented 7 years ago

I think that your issues are related to a poor GPS signal. I've removed that progress ring showing "getting GPS signal" because I've changed the way the app loads and it's faster than before, I'll add it again if you want.

LaurensvanVliet commented 7 years ago

@ST-Apps No don't add it again it's better like this

tofylion commented 7 years ago

If you don't want to add it don't, but if you can, just do anything to tell us that the game is still loading so we know that the game isn't stuck or frozen @ST-Apps

ST-Apps commented 7 years ago

Closing because we're on v1.0.12