ST-Apps / PoGo-UWP

UWP Client for Pokemon Go
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Gyms and battles #1669

Open tomasek opened 8 years ago

tomasek commented 8 years ago

I have read other issues and closed issues too. I have been following the development and i am familiarized with the coding so far, So, my question is: may i help develop Gyms and battles? (or any other area of the app, of course.)

jakubsuchybio commented 8 years ago

For sure! Any help is appreciated. First draft of gyms is already finished. You can test and look at them by uncommenting GameClient.cs:629 cca: NearbyGyms.UpdateWith(newGyms, x => new FortDataWrapper(x), (x, y) => x.Id == y.Id);

Also first handling method for Gym is in GameClient.cs in region Gym Handling So you make other handlers there and call other awaitable proto handlers from Fort.cs via

tomasek commented 8 years ago

Thanks for all those informations and assign this to me. I have had tried the uncomment that line before and have the gyms on the map. But i haven't seen those methods from I shall work on this.

khunpanya commented 8 years ago

How're things going? I think I can help making (unbound) UI for the EnterGym page. Anyone already working on this?

tomasek commented 8 years ago

well, i can say that i am coding and i am testing some parts already, but in a few days i will be able to get into more details. about the UI, i wouldn't mind some help :D

SmailSmailko commented 8 years ago

привіт)) коли зявляться спортивні клуби ібитви)) я непроти тестувати)) lumia 820 RAM 1 gb windows 10 дякую

Malavos commented 8 years ago

@SmailSmailko It's going to take a while.

Це збирається зайняти деякий час

jakubsuchybio commented 8 years ago

@tomasek So how is it going? Any new progress?

SmailSmailko commented 8 years ago

дякую поскоріше б))) ато неможу дочекатися)) а так все влаштовує велике дякую за таку проведену здорову роботу))

Malavos commented 8 years ago

The user above (SmailSmailko) just commented out thanking you guys for your work. He said he is satisfied with our on progress work.

Just wanted to translate it to english.

tomasek commented 8 years ago

@jakubsuchybio i am testing a few things now. So, i plan to commit something later tomorrow or early saturday. I have a few doubts that i need to ask. Is there any API method to choose the team? Is there any API method to do training? So far i am developing only fights between diferente teams, training is getting pushed a bit further because of those doubts.

jakubsuchybio commented 8 years ago

Well @tomasek we are already making finishing touches before the next release. Could you create a PR with your progress with [WIP] in the title? Let's look what you already have. Before next release I would like to see support for managing gyms. So being able to list through pokemon in gym, see their CP, their owner's names, seeing the lvl of the gym and current prestige/maxprestige.

I would do this as a first iteration PR. So we can release it. And let the fighting and training for the next release after.

I don't know if we have API support for any fighting kind. As I was looking I don't think so. But I may be wrong.

ST-Apps commented 8 years ago

@tomasek If something is missing from GameClient class just let me know and I'll tell you where to look. I've only implemented methods for the current features, so the one for choosing teams is probably missing.

SmailSmailko commented 8 years ago

неможу дочекатися суботи(((

SmailSmailko commented 8 years ago

дуже дякую вам))

tomasek commented 8 years ago

@ST-Apps I was implementing a few methods in GameClient, related to the Gym and that came from the FortWrapper. But at this moment i need some info. Like, if is there any method to choose team, method to train pokemon in the gym instead of battleing, method to claim the gym (if empty or if the battle was won) i think i can do a commit today with a few things changed on the current gym, @jakubsuchybio .

ST-Apps commented 8 years ago

@tomasek they're not in GameClient yet.

Choosing a team can be done using await _client.Player.SetPlayerTeam(TeamColor.Blue) (follow the same pattern of other methods in GameClient to add this.

For the other things you should look into _client.Fort, but I'm not sure that you'll find what you need.

SmailSmailko commented 8 years ago

а коли вийде обнова , бо неможу вже дочекатися((

khunpanya commented 8 years ago

I'm worrying. Do we have to rely on everything in the current api client or can we analyze the traffic and mimic any upcoming unimplemented api like buddy and, of course, battling?

jakubsuchybio commented 8 years ago

We already have API support for battling. It will just be totally hard time to wire it.

khunpanya commented 8 years ago

Good to hear that we already have it. So I'll continue to work on BattlePage UI. And will make a PR when it is complete enough.