ST-Apps / PoGo-UWP

UWP Client for Pokemon Go
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Open-Source isn't good in this situation #1895

Closed Kiro369 closed 7 years ago

Kiro369 commented 7 years ago

Well, If me team is Niantic team, and yours is PoGo. You're trying to crack my API and just post it where can I see it. I'll change it do easily because I'm the server and you're the client. Cracking the API again will take a time from your reverse engineers and after all that time you'll spend, I'll change it again and in every time I'll try to make it harder for you than before, The best thing you can do is not to tell Niantic that you finished and succeed again, Just make the source code private and work a lot on the connection with the logic of "Niantic is just a server and I'm the Client" Niantic won't change there cryptography every time they may change the key but not all of it, After that when Niantic releases an update you will just catch the new packets get its structure with re code it and you're done so u won't take a lot of time updating pogo, This is just my opinion. Sorry for posting this in "issues" but I didn't find another way to send this to every single one in pogo team, it's good for the dev team that they maybe got hire in something else later, and good for us as "Players" that we will able to play longer time

Rover656 commented 7 years ago

Good point well made

JFerzHack commented 7 years ago

This makes no sense to me....

Rover656 commented 7 years ago

Basically, if the devs continue to say We cracked it! Then niantic are just going to change it again, it means nothing to them because they know what's changed and can just push an update, but for 3rd party clients, we'd have to spend months recreating the api and when we say it's fixed, the cycle repeats

JFerzHack commented 7 years ago

oh, ok I got it

degzm commented 7 years ago

So, just make an windows 10 mobile app, your fools. We crack it, you fix it, and we are cracking again, and you spend time fixing it, and we spend time cracking. We are the same.

Kiro369 commented 7 years ago

I know what did you crack but you don't what I change. You will spend a lot of time trying figure it out again. How did I know? Your project is an open source on GitHub 👌

degzm commented 7 years ago

And, again, we crack it, and you spend more time trying figure to "fixing it".

Kiro369 commented 7 years ago

I already know what did you fix, your source is in front of my eye. But you don't, if I spend a hour you spend a month!

jakubsuchybio commented 7 years ago


degzm commented 7 years ago

thank you @jakubsuchybio