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May 19 Agenda #13

Closed dykesb closed 3 years ago

dykesb commented 3 years ago
  1. LTC1 General Instructions
  2. Projects
  3. Activity 3.1 Overview
CarsenB commented 3 years ago

After completing preparation 4 I thought everything went smoothly. However, there was a lot of information to cover. I am hoping the Programming Basics becomes second nature to me. It would be nice to have a brief review over the programming basic material but other than that I think it went pretty well.

tkishbaugh commented 3 years ago

The RStudio Primer was a helpful exercise for understanding the content. I'm new to R, so it was interesting to see how the different data structures in R (vectors, lists, data frames) are different than arrays in other programming languages. I am looking forward to using them more frequently to help me get more comfortable with them.

shahnikcode commented 3 years ago

I really liked the comparsion of numeric vs character variables, and the vocabulary associated with vectors and objects. The comparable functions in sas seem similar in terms of numeric and character functions but the vocabulary is all new to me. So how we use this in data analysis will be pretty interesting to me. I also liked learning about the help options in functions, because without some of the mathematical knowledge to back the functions of, their usage isn't as intuitive as it may be for a data scientist. Overall I really enjoyed this primer.

vangurik commented 3 years ago

After going through the videos present in the Programming Basics, I understood how to write functions, declare vectors, datatypes. The practice session in the R studio was also helpful in understanding the basics.

travrad commented 3 years ago

The primers have been really helpful for understanding the content. I definitely started to get confused as to how the vectors, packages, lists, and data frames all worked together. Trying to digest all of that at once was tough.

1hartl commented 3 years ago

It was helpful to go through this preparation again, I can see the args() function being very useful in the future. It was never a go-to help option for me.

1hartl commented 3 years ago

One thing to add - how do w know what the "optional arguments" are when using the arg() function? It appears as ..., but a lot of the time I don't know what arguments are available to use in this space.

Pallapup commented 3 years ago

After completing preparation 4, I had learned how to declare vectors, use functions, and also installing packages. Vectors and lists have been interesting in this prep 4.

Barri9999 commented 3 years ago

Preparation04 was helpful for me to understand the concept of List, functions, vectors. I am interested to work on Lists and arguments.

a-duimstra commented 3 years ago

Everything in the reading and the Programming Basics activity was pretty straightforward. The hardest part for me was figuring out the differences between the ways to extract things from data frames under the predictions part of the R script, but going through the examples a few times was helpful.