The Concurrent Design Desktop Application and Excel Integration compliant with ECSS-E-TM-10-25 Annex A and Annex C
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Parameter to State Mapping - Apply Filters and Sorting on Mapping Table #1140

Open stepjah opened 2 years ago

stepjah commented 2 years ago



For a high number of entries, the Mapping table in the Parameter to State Mapping Dialog gets difficult to handle and find the correct information. Should be able to apply filters and sorting based on the columns and potentially include the advanced filtering as in other browsers (EDs, ProductTree..).

Solution: Research on what is possible and implement what is possible within the timebox.

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

stepjah commented 4 months ago

This would be a nicely fitting update together with the refresh functionality ( to improve the overall user experience for the parameter to state mapper.