The Concurrent Design Desktop Application and Excel Integration compliant with ECSS-E-TM-10-25 Annex A and Annex C
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Unify namespaces in CDP4Composition.Composition directory and make sure correct BooleanToVisibilityConverter is being used #1164

Closed jan-at-rhea closed 4 months ago

jan-at-rhea commented 2 years ago



CDP4Composition.Composition directory has mixed namespaces (of CDP4Composition.Composition and just CDP4Composition), this has to be corrected. In some files in XAML, instead of CDP4 BooleanToVisibilityConverter, the standard one is used (because of the mixed namespace). Since .net Standard and .net 6 doesn't have BooleanToVisibilityConverter it will block the migration and has to be addressed.

Steps to Reproduce

Navigate to CDP4Composition.Composition and check the namespaces. Set a breakpoint in Convert of BooleanToVisibilityConverter and observe that it isn't hit in all scenarios.

lxatstariongroup commented 1 year ago

@samatrhea What do you think about this one?