The Concurrent Design Desktop Application and Excel Integration compliant with ECSS-E-TM-10-25 Annex A and Annex C
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[Grapher] when there is no topelement the grapher does not show #1260

Closed samatstariongroup closed 1 year ago

samatstariongroup commented 1 year ago



When there is no topelement and the grapher is selected, the panel does not show and it is not immediately clear why. After some thinking i realized the model did not have a top element. This needs to be more apparant, My proposal would be to: [ ] show the grapher with one box in the center which states very explicitly "no top node available" (OR) [ ] do not show the grapher and show a messagebox that says "no top node available"

Steps to Reproduce

  1. create a model with at least one Element Definition
  2. none of the Element Definitions should be marked as top element
  3. try to open the grapher and see that nothing happens
  4. make one Element Definition the top node
  5. try to open the grapher and see that it displays


System Configuration

samatstariongroup commented 1 year ago

maybe related to #1216

jaimeatstariongroup commented 1 year ago

fixed in #1261

MartinFijneman commented 10 months ago

verified with

message displayed in grapher browser
