The Concurrent Design Desktop Application and Excel Integration compliant with ECSS-E-TM-10-25 Annex A and Annex C
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Refresh error in multi-client testing – inconsistent and incorrect model in clients #1268

Open MartinFijneman opened 11 months ago

MartinFijneman commented 11 months ago



Refresh error in multi-client testing – inconsistent and incorrect model in clients not all parameters correctly showing up in element definitions browsers in different clients with auto-refresh function and/or rebuild action in excel Test performed with, on local server (web services 7.1.1), engineering model 202308 TRC 10001, all steps using default admin user. Client 1 (IME left hand client in picture) used as reference client for testing auto-refresh function Client 2 (IME middle client) and Client 3 (Excel) used to add (and/or) move parameters Result of (auto-)refresh is not correct in model in various places, giving inconsistencies between browsers in different client applications. Note: tests performed with 2 separate IME clients opened on same laptop, and logged in into an excel workbook. In the snapshots below incorrect model representations in browsers are indicated in red circles, blue circles indicate the correct model status. Order of changes to model:


Info on additional testing: Performed additional testing steps to try to reproduce this error, first on the same model, then on new separate model. Testing in a new model (Quick reference test, see below) showed that the error is partially reproducible, by creating and opening a new model and repeating the (initial) steps

following steps starting on already available object “Test B”

This gave correct results. Tried the same steps, but then under object “Test C” with parameters added for parameter group “Group”, to see if problem occurs for parameter groups, and with Test E including some actions of moving parameters. These all gave correct result however. Note that Group B stayed empty, so showing an incorrect model in Client 1 IME after all these actions (see red indications in picture below).


Testing in a new model (Quick reference test, see below): creating and opening a new model and repeating the (initial) steps:


Steps to Reproduce

steps indicated in problem description, see above.


System Configuration