The Concurrent Design Desktop Application and Excel Integration compliant with ECSS-E-TM-10-25 Annex A and Annex C
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Participant role edit permissions - not able to edit permission for Engineering model after attempt to set to Modify-if-owner #1270

Open MartinFijneman opened 11 months ago

MartinFijneman commented 11 months ago



In a very specific set of actions, it is no longer possible to edit the engineering model permission for a participant role:

Test performed with, on local server (web services 7.1.1), engineering model 202308 TRC 10001, all steps using default admin user. This test in excel client, editing participant role in roles browser (for this reason probably missing some server feedback that is provided in IME in info bar at bottom left hand side of the main browser)

already earlier in testing, had performed steps to open excel, log in, open model, rebuild etc. then:

This action is not performed (maybe not allowed by server or something like that, but in excel no feedback is given on this. Not able to change to anything else (none, read, modify) and click ok, only possible to cancel now and close the dialog,

if this combination is not allowed, this option should be filtered out. Note however: modifiy-if-owner for engineering model is the default setting for the participant role of domain expert.

Steps to Reproduce

see steps above


System Configuration