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Create new engineering model - handeling of active domains is different with and without source model #1292

Open meritvdlee opened 8 months ago

meritvdlee commented 8 months ago



When creating a new engineering model you have the option to select Active Domains. If you create a new engineering model from a source model and you select one or more Active Domains you get an error (see logs). If you create a new engineering model without a source model and you select one or more domains it does correctly create the model with all the domains.

Steps to Reproduce


The CDP4 Services replied with code InternalServerError: Internal Server Error: "exception:23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \u0022EngineeringModelSetup_ActiveDomain_PK\u0022\n\nDETAIL: Detail redacted as it may contain sensitive data. Specify \u0027Include Error Detail\u0027 in the connection string to include this information."

System Configuration