The Concurrent Design Desktop Application and Excel Integration compliant with ECSS-E-TM-10-25 Annex A and Annex C
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request extension of publisable parameters - show as blue bold colour for subscriptions as well to indicate coming value change #1345

Open MartinFijneman opened 3 weeks ago

MartinFijneman commented 3 weeks ago



the bold blue colour for parameters indicates that a parameter value has changed wrt the latest published value. This serves as an indication. This blue colour code is only applied to parameters however. If you have a subscription on a parameter, a value change from the owning domain does not show up. So if you would have subscriptions on all parameters, and all parameters would have changed, you wouldn't see this at all.

proposed update to implementation: extend blue colour coding for parameters that are publishable to show as publishable for their subscriptions as well.


Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration