STAT325-S24 / Frankenstein

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create data package using your selected text #3

Closed nicholasjhorton closed 4 months ago

nicholasjhorton commented 4 months ago

Your next task for your Pick a Text selection is to create a data package in R to make it accessible to the world. (At present you will be working in a private repo: you can convert this to a public repo at some point in the future.)

This assignment is due by the end of the day on Friday, February 16th. Please close the issue that I've created prior to that deadline to let me know that you are ready for my review.

The goal of the assignment is to make the text accessible to you and others (eventually: these are private repos at present). I've created a GitHub repo for your work on this front.

Key steps needed on your end:

Please be sure to remove any obsolete files or references to foo.

Throughout the process, please be sure to:

  1. pull/fetch, commit, and push often
  2. run Check from the Build panel to ensure that the package is correctly building
  3. share any questions or problems with me with GitHub issue or via Slack
jpapagelis24 commented 4 months ago

@nicholasjhorton I completed the assignment: and

Here's my work for creating the data set:

When I was completing the Readme, I kept getting errors about not being able to get the package from github, so I just ended up not evaluating those code chucks. I'm not sure what the problem was.

nicholasjhorton commented 4 months ago

This is shaping up well. See for some minor tweaks.