STAT545-UBC-hw-2018-19 / hw01-lsloboda

hw01-lsloboda created by GitHub Classroom
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peer_review_j-schaub #2

Open j-schaub opened 6 years ago

j-schaub commented 6 years ago


Evaluation (scale: poor - good - great)


  1. The GitHub markdown file (README) did not display very many of the GitHub features, I would have liked to see more variety (numbered lists, emojis, hyperlinks, headers, etc…).
  2. The R Markdown file did not contain much information. A graph or more general information about the database might be helpful to readers that are not familiar with the Gapminder dataset.
  3. Overall, the code was clean and easy to follow. Adding the markdown text that explained what each R section was outputting made it easy to follow.

Thank you, have a great semester!