STAT545-UBC-hw-2018-19 / hw03-glenn-mcguinness

hw03-glenn-mcguinness created by GitHub Classroom
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TA comments #2

Open Rashedul opened 6 years ago

Rashedul commented 6 years ago


task-1. Get the maximum and minimum of GDP per capita for all continents.

task-2. Look at the spread of GDP per capita within the continents.

task-3. Compute a trimmed mean of life expectancy for different years. Or a weighted mean, weighting by population. Just try something other than the plain vanilla mean.

task-4. How is life expectancy changing over time on different continents?

task-5. Report the absolute and/or relative abundance of countries with low life expectancy over time by continent: Compute some measure of worldwide life expectancy – you decide – a mean or median or some other quantile or perhaps your current age. Then determine how many countries on each continent have a life expectancy less than this benchmark, for each year.

task-6. Find countries with interesting stories. Open-ended and, therefore, hard. Promising but unsuccessful attempts are encouraged. This will generate interesting questions to follow up on in class.

But I want to do more!: In this section, I can't find the use of "figure side-by-side" (there are other methods other than faceting) and "there are some really nice fancy table helper packages".

General comments:

glenn-mcguinness commented 6 years ago

The assignment said to do at least three tasks, not all six. The relevant quote is below. You can find it in the assignment, under the heading "The Assignment" and the sub-heading "Your mission, high-level".

Pick at least three of the tasks below (in the “Task menu” section) and attack each with a table and figure. For each table, make sure to include a relevant figure! Note that:

I picked tasks 4, 5, and 6 for my three tasks.

Was I incorrect and should have done all of the tasks instead of just three?