Open Rashedul opened 6 years ago
Hi @Rashedul,
Thanks for the feedback! Regarding your first general comment:
The assignment asked us to choose at least three of the six tasks, so I decided to focus on 1, 2, and 4.
Did I misinterpret the instructions? Were we expected to do all six of the tasks?
Hi again @Rashedul,
I received the grade for this assignment this morning and was surprised by the 75%. Given that I did the requested tasks, put effort into my annotations and interpretations, and explored multiple types of graphs, I feel I put in a "Solid" effort, but I don't think a C reflects that.
Specifically, could you provide some additional feedback on the following?:
2/3 for "Coding strategy": I don't believe I did any "hacking" of the code and was pretty lean. Can you help me understand what I did wrong?
2/3 for "Ease of access": I included links to the homework in the Canvas submission, and included links to the .Rmd, .md, and assignment page in the READMe. All of the code runs, and I provided headers and descriptions throughout the .md. This matches my previous homework submissions, which I received high marks on, so I'm wondering what I'm missing...
2/3 for "Tables": I followed the instructions to produce tables using knitr::kable. Can you explain what the issues with the tables are?
Thanks! Steve
Hi @schignel ,
Thanks for your comments. I will get back to you tomorrow. I have something to discuss with teaching team. Your grade might be updated as well!
Sounds good, thanks @Rashedul!
Hi @Rashedul, thanks for the updated grade on this one!
README file is awesome.
task-1. Get the maximum and minimum of GDP per capita for all continents.
task-2. Look at the spread of GDP per capita within the continents.
task-3. Compute a trimmed mean of life expectancy for different years. Or a weighted mean, weighting by population. Just try something other than the plain vanilla mean.
task-4. How is life expectancy changing over time on different continents?
task-5. Report the absolute and/or relative abundance of countries with low life expectancy over time by continent: Compute some measure of worldwide life expectancy – you decide – a mean or median or some other quantile or perhaps your current age. Then determine how many countries on each continent have a life expectancy less than this benchmark, for each year.
task-6. Find countries with interesting stories. Open-ended and, therefore, hard. Promising but unsuccessful attempts are encouraged. This will generate interesting questions to follow up on in class.
But I want to do more!: In this section, I can't find the use of "figure side-by-side" and "there are some really nice fancy table helper packages".
General comments:
I do not find where you addressed task 3, 5 and 6. Can you point me?
In chuck/Inline comments people generally avoid to explain "what" the code does because . Instead they use "why" comments. Some of your comments explained what the code does, which is information that the code already contains.
I found using some of options of Code Chunks is very handy for example, cache, include, fig.cap, message etc. You can have a look.