STAT545-UBC-hw-2018-19 / hw05-rasiimwe

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Peer Review #2

Open CeciliaLe07 opened 6 years ago

CeciliaLe07 commented 6 years ago

Hi @rasiimwe! This is my peer review, I hope it is useful for you.

Peer-Review HW05 for rasiimwe

Topic Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work
Coding style :heavy_check_mark:
Coding strategy :heavy_check_mark:
Presentation: graphs :heavy_check_mark:
Presentation: tables :heavy_check_mark:
Achievement, creativity :heavy_check_mark:
Ease of access :heavy_check_mark:


rasiimwe commented 6 years ago

Hi @CeciliaLe07 Thanks for your helpful comments. Just to point out that in our previous assignments we explored the use of kable, pander and xtable. You might have noticed that each of these different functions work based in certain environments. In my case, pander rendered the tables better than kable did. I like the col.names suggestion 👍. Thanks! @CeciliaLe07