STAT545-UBC-hw-2018-19 / hw06-rasiimwe

hw06-rasiimwe created by GitHub Classroom
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hw06- TA comment #1

Open sherrie9 opened 5 years ago

sherrie9 commented 5 years ago

Overall, good job on this hw!

rasiimwe commented 5 years ago

Hi @sherrie9 Thanks for your kind and helpful comments.
Compared to my previous assignments, this was by far one of my best and most creative but I noticed that I got way less points (88%) - not sure whether this is the new grading style that Dr.Coia mentioned in class. I opted for html because of the plotly function calls that I made in my function myplot(). My tables herein were rendered using kable() - could this be what cost me all those points? Kindly throw more light this.

Many thanks.

sherrie9 commented 5 years ago

Hi Rebecca: Html is totally fine. The marking scheme is still the same but the material in 547 is more advanced than previous. Writing good and transferable functions could be tricky. Your tables look fine, but having title would be more helpful. I could have confused someone else's table with yours because I remembered one of tables having too many columns, but I didn't see it in yours after checking it again. I will adjust this mark. And sorry for the confusion!

One more note on functions: the output of the function inspect() is too confusing to me. I appreciate the idea of using one function to do some preprocessing or checking, but it could be better if you pinpoint the output.

Overall, you did put an above and beyond effort into this hw. Let me know if you have other concerns.

rasiimwe commented 5 years ago

Hi @sherrie9

Thanks for your kind and timely feedback!

I wrote the inspect() fuction as a supplementary task. True - when we use list() to produce multiple outputs from a function, it doesn't provide an option or I didn't see one on separating the output so it lumps the output and you need to use indexing to follow the output. The idea was to avoid calling the singular functions class(), str(), head() all the time and I wanted to have a function that runs all these calls for me at once. I will look for another way of representing the output. I really thought I had nailed this assignment with 200% 😄 because I put in alot of effort and did all that was required and more. May be for future work, I should cut down on suplementary tasks/effort to avoid being dissapointed but then, I will miss out on points for doing more 🤔. Thanks for the tips and ideas pointed out.

sherrie9 commented 5 years ago

You could use $ operator to select the elements in a list by its name (given you have named the elements in your list). In this way, you could selectively show some output. For example, output$dim could be used to show dimensions. or output$summary etc.. I understand it would be hard to juggle the extra stuff. I do encourage you trying out new things. You did an excellent job. Just to keep in mind of the basics, such as making good plots with proper label names, titles, ratios; illustrative tables with titles. These small things can be quite important but they are generally easy to fix. I noticed that you actually did try to change the x y label names but you used the variable names. lifeExp would not be as a good label name as Life Expectancy.

rasiimwe commented 5 years ago

Oh wow! This is awesome 👍 !! Thanks @sherrie9! I hadn't thought of this perspective. Thanks 💃