STAT545-UBC-hw-2018-19 / hw09-rasiimwe

hw09-rasiimwe created by GitHub Classroom
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Peer Review HW09 #3

Open MalcolmNSB opened 5 years ago

MalcolmNSB commented 5 years ago

Hi @rasiimwe , just wondering if I could ask you for some troubleshooting for peer-reviewing your HW09: I followed your instructions for installing Python and changing the directory in, but when I try to run make, I get the following error:

$ make all ./ dataset_merge.txt process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, python C:\Users\Malcolm\Desktop\Stat 545A\Stat545_participation\hw09-rasiimwe-master\ dataset_merge.txt, ...) failed. make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified. make: *** [dataset_merge.txt] Error 2

In, I changed the file location by writing: path="~/Desktop/Stat 545A/Stat545_participation/hw09-rasiimwe-master/files" #change to your respective path

(If it helps, I'm running a machine with Windows 10) ... I'm doing something wrong, but can't figure it out! Thanks!

rasiimwe commented 5 years ago

Hey @MalcolmNSB,

Thanks for reviewing my homework 👏

It could be an environment issue. Or you could write the entire absolute path to the file instead of using the tilde (~). path = "/Users/Malcolm/Desktop/Stat 545A/Stat545_participation/hw09-rasiimwe-master/files"

I hope this helps. Thanks

MalcolmNSB commented 5 years ago

@rasiimwe I think you are right - digging around for solutions, the error seems to be related to a local machine issue possibly due to Python which I couldn't fix at the moment! But here is my peer review based on your github repository files:

Topic Excellent Good Needs Work
Coding style :heavy_check_mark:
Coding strategy :heavy_check_mark:
Presentation: graphs :heavy_check_mark:
Ease of access :heavy_check_mark:
Achievement, creativity :heavy_check_mark:

Coding style and strategy: Your code is very nice and clean, and easy to read! There are some interesting functions which you use which I had not heard of before - for instance Corpus(), VectorSource(), and TermDocumentMatrix() . When you clean up the data in tweets2, how did you know that the text that needed removing was of the form[A-Za-z\\d]+|http://[A-Za-z\\d]+|&|<|>|RT|https?

Presentation & graphs: The word cloud was a really great visualisation of the analysis, and the inclusion of the bar graph was also nice from a quantitative point of view. One thing which could make things clearer (of course if time permitted it) is to have a visual representation of the pipeline for the analysis of the tweets in the readme .

Ease of access: The instructions for getting everything running on my local machine were clear, but I couldn't get the make command to run successfully in the end. (Of course, it's impossible to predict individual computer set-ups though.)

Achievement & creativity: This analysis was absolutely superb - I am really impressed by the sophistication that went into it. Great job!!! 👍

rasiimwe commented 5 years ago

Hi @MalcolmNSB Thanks for reviewing my work and for your great and helpful comments. Have an awesome holiday! 😃