STAT545-UBC-hw-2019-20 / Announcements

Announcements and discussion related to course matters
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General course-end announcements for STAT 545 #34

Closed firasm closed 4 years ago

firasm commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone!

A few clarifications and questions that came to office hours (thanks to those that did!)

  1. Assignment 5 on canvas is now published, you can now submit your A5.

  2. Details about the participation repository

Check the participation page here for details on what we expect:


  1. Final Grades

Once the grades for each assignment is posted on Canvas, I will post another issue here. From then, students will have 48 hours to review the grades and then contact the TA that graded them directly (via email) for any clarifications and requests. The teaching team will then work to resolve all issues within 5 days, and then I will need to submit final grades.

1300px-Thats_all_folks svg

Image ref: USD-PD-Art

Great job everyone! Thanks for a great class.

Good luck with things for the rest of the term.