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TVTMS has a few malformatted tests #43

Closed sliedes closed 3 years ago

sliedes commented 3 years ago

In TVTMS, the following lines specify tests that do not seem to conform to the specification:

Lingala Psa.12:5    Psa.13:5    Renumber verse  Nec. [12:5] %Normally in this Bible this verse and the next occur as one verse that is numbered% 12:5.      (Hebrew=13:6 • Latin=12:6 • Greek=12:6) Psa.13:5=Last & Psa.13:1.1=NotExist & Psa.13:3
Lingala Psa.12:5    Psa.13:6    Merged verse    Nec. [12:5] %As normal in this Bible the text for this verse is included in the previous verse.%        (Hebrew=13:6 • Latin=12:6 • Greek=12:6) Psa.13:5=Last & Psa.13:1.1=NotExist & Psa.13:3

I assume the "Psa.13:3" condition should be something like Psa.13:3=Exist?

sliedes commented 3 years ago

There's also a test that doesn't seem to be very well documented and I don't quite know what to do with it:

English+Hebrew+Latin    Pro.20:20   Pro.20:20   Keep verse  Acd. [9a]   %In some Bibles the verse numbering here is% 20:9a.     (Hebrew=20:20 • Latin=20:20 • Greek=20:9a)  Pro.20:20-22>Pro.20:23              
English+Hebrew+Latin    Pro.20:21   Pro.20:21   Keep verse  Acd. [9b]   %In some Bibles the verse numbering here is% 20:9b.     (Hebrew=20:21 • Latin=20:21 • Greek=20:9b)  Pro.20:20-22>Pro.20:23              
English+Hebrew+Latin    Pro.20:22   Pro.20:22   Keep verse  Acd. [9c]   %In some Bibles the verse numbering here is% 20:9c.     (Hebrew=20:22 • Latin=20:22 • Greek=20:9c)  Pro.20:20-22>Pro.20:23              
Greek   Pro.20:9    Pro.20:9    Keep verse  Nec. [9, 20-22] %Normally in this Bible this verse is followed by the contents of % 20:20-22.       (Hebrew=20:9 • Latin=20:9 • Greek=20:9, 20-22)  Pro.20:20-22<Pro.20:23              
Greek   Pro.20:9    Pro.20:20   Merged verse    Nec. [9a]   %As normal in this Bible the text for this verse is included in the previous verse.%        (Hebrew=20:20 • Latin=20:20 • Greek=20:9a)  Pro.20:20-22<Pro.20:23              
Greek   Pro.20:9    Pro.20:21   Merged verse    Nec. [9b]   %As normal in this Bible the text for this verse is included in the previous verse.%        (Hebrew=20:21 • Latin=20:21 • Greek=20:9b)  Pro.20:20-22<Pro.20:23              
Greek   Pro.20:9    Pro.20:22   Merged verse    Nec. [9c]   %As normal in this Bible the text for this verse is included in the previous verse.%        (Hebrew=20:22 • Latin=20:22 • Greek=20:9c)  Pro.20:20-22<Pro.20:23

So, if we have Pro.20:20-22 in a > test, do we

  1. Only consider the test true if we have a verse explicitly marked as 20:20-22?
  2. Count the total number of words in the three verses?
  3. Something else?
DavidIB commented 3 years ago

Thanks - this test is not the most useful one. I'll replaced it with Pro.20:2<>Pro.20:9

DavidIB commented 3 years ago

The "Psa.13:3" should be "Psa.13:1>Psa.13:3" - I'll fix that.

DavidIB commented 3 years ago

Pro.20:2>Pro.20:9 Psa.13:1>Psa.13:3