STEllAR-GROUP / octotiger

Astrophysics program simulating the evolution of star systems based on the fast multipole method on adaptive Octrees
Boost Software License 1.0
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Switch Node-Level Jenkins Pipeline to Spack #459

Closed G-071 closed 10 months ago

G-071 commented 10 months ago

This PR switches the main test pipeline away from using the old Octo-Tiger buildscripts -- instead we now use the Spack package.

Notably, this allows us to more easily upgrade/change packages in the dependencies. It also simplifies the test setup (hence this PR mostly deletes lines). The tests should also run a bit faster as Spack reuses dependencies from the older runs (hence we do not have to compile them all over again).

It is now also easier to add new tests, as one just has to add the Spack spec that should be tested to the list within the Jenkinsfile. I used this to also add a SYCL test run, as well as some test runs using the sender&receiver Kokkos HPX backend with different configurations.