STFS-TUDa / blastAMR

Load-balanced adaptive mesh refinement libraries from blastFoam ported to ESI OpenFOAM
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DensityGradient errorEstimator issue #8

Closed starflame-Qot closed 2 months ago

starflame-Qot commented 6 months ago

Hello, I'm back. 😊 Today I'm trying to test out this set of AMR tools that I'm really excited about.

According to my understanding, I can choose any of the error estimation methods provided to finish my case, only the effect is different.

My ideal criterion is this density gradient method. However when I use it, it errors at the first step, as shown in the image.

Screenshot from 2023-12-22 23-08-58

I can use fieldvalue, codes, etc., and here I provide my dict.

Screenshot from 2023-12-22 23-09-36

Ask for your guidance. This confuses me so much.

Thank you very much !

FoamScience commented 6 months ago

Hi, not all of the error indicators are well tested yet. I exclusively use the coded one. Also, it's hard to debug this with the information I have now.

Instead, you can mimic density-gradient-based refinement with the following coded snippet (dimensions of rho might be different for your solver). This example will refine cells whose rho gradient falls above 50% of the whole density gradient range. The range is dynamically calculated so you don't have to guess values:

errorEstimator  coded;
name            rhoGradient;

code            #{
    Info<< "---->! custom error estimator !<----" << endl;
    error_ = 0.0;
    const auto& rho = mesh_.lookupObject<volScalarField>("rho");
    error_ == mag(fvc::grad(rho)) / dimensionedScalar("one",dimDensity/dimLength,1.0);
    scalar maxGradRho = gMax(error_);
    scalar minGradRho = gMin(error_);

    lowerRefine_ = minGradRho + 0.5*(maxGradRho-minGradRho);
    upperRefine_ =  GREAT;
    lowerUnrefine_ = minGradRho + 0.4*(maxGradT-minGradRho);
    upperUnrefine_ =  GREAT;
    if (scale) normalize(error_);
    Info<< "---->! end    error estimator !<----" << endl;
starflame-Qot commented 6 months ago

Yes, the method you indicated for the applicable coded is OK.

We can use the freelyPropFlame2D tutorial as a reference, which should theoretically use the densitygradient criterion, right?

We can throw the AMR effect first, give priority to ensuring that it runs normally, maybe we can find the potential cause?

starflame-Qot commented 6 months ago

One possible source of reason is the calculation of the 2D mesh size. I tested the 2D and 3D damBreak separately in the tutorial study, and the 3D can be calculated, but the 2D will give an error. My case is also 2D.

FoamScience commented 6 months ago

Yes, apparently, *::calcDx calculates some cell dimension in x-direction, which wouldn't be nice in polyhedral cells.

[!TIP] You can reuse your own refinement criteria which are built with coded on the fly without re-compiling:

# Assume name is gradientRange in constant/dynamicMeshDict
# Copy the resulting shared lib after the first updateMesh call:
cp -r dynamicCode/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libgradientRange_*.so $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN/

Then, load this new library in system/controlDict:


Now, pick the new criterion as an error estimator type errorEstimator gradientRange;.

You can then copy the generated coded estimator class from dynamicCode/gradientRange and contribute it as a standalone one through a PR to this repository (with minimal changes). Although I don't recommend wasting time on trying to make the original criterion work for all cases; I'll keep this issue open and track some of the tasks I plan to focus on. Of course, I'm open to accepting any PRs which introduce new error indicators:

starflame-Qot commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your guidance.

Actually my case uses hexahedral cells.

I will keep trying until I can use it successfully and update here in time.

FoamScience commented 6 months ago

I added a more general gradientRange error estimator, which replaces densityGradient. Please pull the new commits for your OpenFOAM version.

I think this is a much better solution to this issue since you can choose the target field and a few more settings.

9 sees a possible optimization opportunity which I may investigate if I find time.

FoamScience commented 2 months ago

Closing as not active anymore; using gradientRange instead seems to work for all mesh types.