STForScratch / ScratchTools

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Cloud Data History #855

Closed scratchtools-bot[bot] closed 6 days ago

scratchtools-bot[bot] commented 6 days ago

The cloud varible data history page looks quite plain and uninteractive. Add some new features to make it more user-friendly and easier to digest!

1. Make Usernames clickable! This allows the usernames swown in the cloud data history page clickable, so you can see their profile!

2. Separate cloud variables into categories! It's hard to see when a specific variable is changed, as you can only see when all variables have been set. This makes each cloud variable split into its own category! (Since you can have up to 10 cloud variables, the menu can't get too out of hand.)

3. Allow different sorting of categories! As it stands right now, cloud variables only sort based on when they were changed. This allows cloud variables based on if they were created or set, what number they were set on, and the opposite as well! (What was set first, set before created, etc.)

Hope these suggestions do well \:)

Suggested by brassglass in the ScratchTools Discord server.

blazgocompany commented 6 days ago
