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Open azmanyasin opened 4 years ago

azmanyasin commented 4 years ago


The traveling salesman problem, namely TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem) also translated into traveling salesman problem, which is one of the most famous problems in mathematics. Suppose that a traveling salesman wants to visit n cities. He must choose the way to go. The limitation of the path is that every city can only visit once, and finally return to the original city. The choice of the path is that the required path is the minimum of all paths.

The genetic algorithm (GA) is one of ideal methods in solving it. The standard genetic algorithm has some limitations. Improving the selection operator of genetic algorithm, and importing elite retention strategy can ensure the select operation of quality, In mutation operation, using the adaptive algorithm selection can improve the quality of search results and variation, after the chromosome evolved one-way evolution reverse operation is added which can make the offspring inherit gene of parental quality improvement opportunities, and improve the ability of searching the optimal solution algorithm.

Your group is required to develop a GUI application system in Java programming language that fulfil the following requirements: • randomGenome • makePopulation • fitness(genome) returns the fitness value of a genome. • evaluateFitness(population) • crossover • mutate • selectPair(population) • runGA(populationSize, crossoverRate, mutationRate, logFile="") is the main GA program, which takes the population size, crossover rate (pc), and mutation rate (pm) as parameters. The optional logFile parameter is a string specifying the name of a text file in which to store the data generated by the GA, for plotting purposes. When the GA terminates, this function should return the generation at which the string of all ones was found.


The project will be assessed based on:

The program: follow the above requirements.

The report produced: must contains the following- ● Background of the project ● UML class diagram ● Program descriptions (this is like the user manual of your application that explains on how to use your application to the user. You can enhance your descriptions by printing several screen shots of your application’s running) ● The code ● The sample run

The presentation: ● Video presentation by the team, each member need to present. ● Time given is 15-20 minutes. ● Introduce the program (you may use presentation slides for presenting the introduction, it is up to your own creativity), then execute the program (demo each functions that you have) and present the code as well. ● At the end, questions will be asked (make sure each of you understand each line of code)

Due date: 26 July 2020

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