STIRData / user-stories

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[USER STORY] Using the European Data Catalog as a "SMP" for looking up the relevant endpoints for specific information #39

Open sskagemo opened 2 years ago

sskagemo commented 2 years ago

As a: System Provider / system integrator

I wish to: be able to dynamically identify the relevant APIs / endpoints for authoritiative data about a company

So that I: do not have to manually maintain my application with endpoint-information for request to data sources

Related to Epic: #5 , #4

Scenario: In a procurement process, a buyer uses a system to support a digital process. Company A from another european country is a potential vendor. The company identificator is registered (either manually or by company A in a self-service part of the process). The system tries to provide authoritative information about the company. The information elements requested are only partly covered by the STIRData-specification:

The system queries the European data portal for the set of information elements related to a company, and limits the search to the country or region where the company belongs, i.e. using the geographical coverage (dct:spatial), and receives a list of the relevant endpoints for the different information elements.

Example information elements:

Maybe the sparql-endpoint for the Norwegian National Data Portal can be used to test the feasibility of such a lookup-service:

jakubklimek commented 2 years ago

One approach: New STIRData platform API exposing information from the auto-discovery process: which datasets from which countries support which features.