STMicroelectronics-CentralLabs / ST_Drone_FCU_F401

Toy drone project for STEVAL-FCU001V1 flight controller unit demo board.
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App - Motors not armed #2

Closed kylix34 closed 6 years ago

kylix34 commented 6 years ago

even if you arm the motors, in the app GUI you always see the "Not armed" red button. It will be also useful to have an indicator of the battery voltage level.

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Yes you are right, thanks a lot for your comment. BLE app is still in beta version and now we are focusing on fine tuning the Fw ( both on FCU and App side) to can fly the drone with BLE app with performance as much as possible to external mechanical remocon (that as now is the best for agility and manouvrability performance. We will release next week a new version with better performance and better stability for BLE connection.

We have already in plan in following weeks (or beg of next year) to enable in the FCU FW the feature to send several additional information:

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Please download newest version of FW project for BLE. New PID parameters solve an issue of drift at lift off.

KiranKanchi commented 6 years ago

source code for app will be published ?

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Yes it will be published as soon as the revision will be a stable one, now it'a still in beta and under debugging so some parts may change.

KiranKanchi commented 6 years ago

Awesome :-) can we expect a few more video tutorials on YouTube?

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Yes next video will be more focused on the FW project and use of the App

kylix34 commented 6 years ago

Firmware updated but it still has a slight drift at lift off. I might need to better position the battery.

KiranKanchi commented 6 years ago

Kylix, are you using BLDC or DC motor setup ?

kylix34 commented 6 years ago

DC motors (the ones from the kit). It would be nice to have a forum or something like this to talk, instead of Github.

KiranKanchi commented 6 years ago

True that, 8520 motors right ? Propeller 65mm ? Could post a pic of your build please ? Using Bluetooth app to control?

kylix34 commented 6 years ago

Yes, 8520 motors and 65 mm propellers. I'm using my Android phone to control it but it's not easy :) 24300941_1787314587959138_8452881842388865287_n 24312949_1787314697959127_2209658583221074738_n 24775262_1787314491292481_5534614568348164708_n 24862241_1787314737959123_32374071336583423_n

KiranKanchi commented 6 years ago

Wow, sweet build <3 did you print props too ?

kylix34 commented 6 years ago

Nope, the propellers are standard ...

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Yes next video will be more focused on the FW project and use of the App

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Kylix, nice and ver clean built! Yes we are going to have also a dedicated forum for it beginning of next year, now we are preparing the page. A small drift at the lift off it's normal (I think you already did the sensor calibration procedure) and is related to the so-called "ground effect": when the drone is too close to ground, altitude less than 2-3 time size of diameter of drone, the air moved from propeller is not circulating smoothly and makes the drone control not easy.

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Do you notice some drift also when you take the drone at more than 1m altitude?

kylix34 commented 6 years ago

Hello Teo! You are right, I'm noticing the drift only when the drone is lower than 20-30 cm to the ground.

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Ok this is normal. There is a ground effect, against with the drone is struggling to keep stable asset, and since with propeller guard is a little heavy it struggles for stability and there is higher vibration. After that altitude it becomes easier for the drone to have stable hovering.

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

At lift off you need to manually compensate a little, with mechanical remocon is easier and you can have a smooth lift off.

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

With BLE app actually you are not so fast to give commands to compensate so it's more difficult to lift off. When you can pass about 30cm threshold everything becomes easier.

kylix34 commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Could you advice on a remocon/receiver model?

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Sorry officially I cannot recommend a specific one... What I can say that Walkera Devo 7E with Deviation FW is cheap and I am using it for testing the minidrone successfully. Also small size and easy to carry on.

teomaras76 commented 6 years ago

Hi ! Last week we opened a new community specific for Drone on ST website, please kindly have a look here: It would be used also as a generic forum for Q&A both on ST FCU or ST ESC demo boards. Also it would be very appreciated if you may share with other community users any photo or video of the minidrone you built with the ST FCU.
